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Worms LogoIt looks like after Worms finally passed certification last week Microsoft put it on the fast track for release, as the title will be coming to Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday for 800 Marketplace Points ($10). A Worms game online, on a big screen HDTV, supported by Xbox Live would seem to be a great match; hopefully the extra time in certification will mean that online play will be polished upon release.

The full press release continues below.

Click to continue reading Worms Finally Finds Its Way Onto Xbox Live Arcade

Gallery: Worms Finally Finds Its Way Onto Xbox Live Arcade


Xbox 360 The Bugtraq mailing list recently published the details of an unsigned code execution security hole on the Xbox 360. The timeline of the security hole would seem to make this vulnerability the same one demonstrated at last year’s 23C3 Hacker Congress, as seen in this excerpt:

Oct 31, 2006 - release of 4532 kernel, which is the first version
containing the bug
Nov 16, 2006 - proof of concept completed; unsigned code running in
hypervisor context
Nov 30, 2006 - release of 4548 kernel, bug still not fixed
Dec 15, 2006 - first attempt to contact vendor to report bug
Dec 30, 2006 - public demonstration
Jan 03, 2007 - vendor contact established, full details disclosed
Jan 09, 2007 - vendor releases patch
Feb 28, 2007 - full public release

The public demonstration date is key; that would be the same date of the anonymous Xbox 360 hacker video release. Further, the overview of the vulnerability claims:

We have discovered a vulnerability in the Xbox 360 hypervisor that allows
privilege escalation into hypervisor mode. Together with a method to
inject data into non-privileged memory areas, this vulnerability allows
an attacker with physical access to an Xbox 360 to run arbitrary code
such as alternative operating systems with full privileges and full
hardware access.

According to the release, Microsoft has patched the vulnerability as of January 9th, but then Sony thought they had patched the Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories security hole as well. The existence of such a vulnerability indicates that the security of the Xbox 360 isn’t as bulletproof as Microsoft intended, and it would seem a mere matter of time before another exploitable hole is found to enable homebrew development on the system.

Read More | SecurityFocus via Xbox Scene

Gallery: Xbox 360 Security Hole Revealed, Already Patched

Worms HD

It looks like the Xbox Live Arcade version of Worms should be hitting the Marketplace soon; Team 17 recently confirmed that the game had finally passed Microsoft certification to Eurogamer. While a firm release date was not set, the Team 17 representative claimed the game should be showing up on Xbox Live in the next few weeks.

Read More | Eurogamer

Gallery: Xbox Live Worms Certified

Alien Hominid HD

Last week Microsoft poked Xbox Live Arcade gamers in the eye with a delay of Worms, but this week looks a little better with the upcoming release of Alien Hominid HD this Wednesday for 800 Marketplace Points ($10). The side-scrolling Flash game has already hit a number of console platforms, including the Gamecube, Playstation 2, original Xbox, and Gameboy Advance. Now, the graphics get an HD makeover to 720P and the mini-games go online along with the related Achievements and Gamerscore for XBLA titles. While Alien Hominid HD will be great for those that haven’t experienced the title on other platforms, one still can’t help wonder how long it will be for Worms to show up on the Marketplace.

The full press release continues below.


Click to continue reading Alien Hominid HD To Hit Xbox Live Arcade

Read More | Gamerscoreblog

Gallery: Alien Hominid HD To Hit Xbox Live Arcade

EA, always the master of doing something evil in the realm of videogames, has shown off a first movie of their upcoming Wing Commander: Arena game, and the results are, well, disappointing to fans of the franchise. Expecting a great space shooter along the lines of X-Wing and TIE Fighter? Well, forget it… from the looks of this movie, the new Wing Commander is going to be an arcade-y Asteroids clone that for some reason goes with a zoomed-out, 3rd-person (3rd-ship?) perspective. Oh, and no 3rd dimension for you. It looks like you’ll get to yaw and pitch your ship all you want, but the roll is decidedly missing in this 2.5-D shooter.

If the final game ends up looking like this, I expect Wing Commander will be quickly added to the list of franchises that were killed by their respective copyright holders. EA will be producing this game for Xbox Live Arcade, so it’s understandable that it looks like more of a casual gaming title. But frankly I’d be happier if they just put the original WC series up for download.

Read More | Gamevideos.com via Joystiq

Gallery: New “Wing Commander” is a 3rd-Person Asteroids Clone?

A couple of recent Xbox Live Arcade leaks have increased attention on Microsoft’s PartnerNet, the development network for debug Xbox Live content for developers and press. First, Eurogamer leaked the existence of Ikaruga on Xbox Live Arcade, and then Computers & Video Games had an article about the release of Rare’s Jetpak on PartnerNet that was quickly pulled. Now, CheapyD at CheapAssGamer.com has a brief tour of the PartnerNet on video, courtesy of an anonymous informer. The video shows entries for a few titles like Centipede and Millipede and a couple of other new games and gives an idea of what developers on the network can see.

Read More | Cheap Ass Gamer

Gallery: A Brief PartnerNet Tour

IkarugaEurogamer did some poking around on Partnernet, the Xbox 360 internal debug network for Xbox Live Arcade and found some clues that indicate that Treasure’s shooter, Ikaruga may be coming to Xbox Live Arcade in the future. Their investigation on the network turned up a couple of files; when those files were downloaded, Ikaruga shows up. Unfortunately, the game itself doesn’t run, but Eurogamer was able to get a glimpse at a list of achievements for the game. Ikaruga has had somewhat of a difficult past, first as a 2002 release for the Dreamcast after console production had ceased, and then in releases for the Gamecube in Japan and the US. Hopefully the game will see an international release on Xbox Live Arcade, expanding the shooter’s audience.

Gallery: Ikaruga Info Leaks Onto Xbox Live Partnernet

Old Spice ChallengeThe Xbox Rewards site is now live, but seems to be getting hammered as Xbox 360 gamers flood into the site to register. Right now, the only challenge available is the previously announced Old Spice Experience Challenge; this challenge runs from now until April 7th, according to the site. As previously mentioned, gamers will qualify for prizes depending on their Gamerscore level, earning anything from Xbox Live Arcade games, to Microsoft Points, to a full copy of Fusion Frenzy 2 for the Xbox 360.

Read More | Xbox Rewards

Gallery: Xbox Rewards Challenge Live

Heston's Marketplace CommandmentsMicrosoft’s Larry Hryb, aka Major Nelson has a post on his blog asking gamers for their “Ten Commandments” of the Xbox Live Marketplace. Unsurprisingly, a number of the complaints range around some common issues users have with the Marketplace, such as:

  • Charging to unlock content already on the disc (the fantastic 108kb downloads)
  • Charging for content that other platforms get for free
  • Releasing broken content
  • No price reductions for content, ever
  • More consistent Marketplace releases

If gamers have any requests for changes, improvements, or rules that the Xbox Live Marketplace should abide by, submit them to Major Nelson now; Microsoft has listened in the past, they will listen now.

Read More | Major Nelson

Gallery: Major Nelson Wants Your Marketplace Ten Commandments

Old SpiceMicrosoft announced today that they are teaming up with Old Spice to bring Xbox Rewards to online gamers. The rewards program requires a Windows Live ID and Xbox Live gamercard, but gamers only need either a Gold or Silver level subscription. Rewards challenges will be split into three levels according to Gamerscore: Level 1, from 0 – 4,999 Gamerscore, Level 2 from 5,000 – 9,999, and Level 3 at over 10,000 Gamerscore. The first challenge starts February 12th, and requires that gamers increase their Gamerscore by 1,500 points by April 12th. Rewards depend on the user’s current Gamerscore Level:

  • Level 1
    • The popular Xbox Live Arcade game Contra (rated: E10+) from Konami (Retail Value $5.00)
    • Exclusive Old Spice Level 1 Xbox Rewards gamer picture
    • An experience upgrade to Xbox Rewards Level 2
  • Level 2
    • The popular Xbox Live Arcade game Contra (rated: E10+) from Konami
    • Exclusive Old Spice Level 2 Xbox Rewards gamer picture
    • 100 Microsoft Points
    • An experience upgrade to Xbox Rewards Level 3
  • Level 3
    • The popular Xbox Live Arcade game Contra (rated: E10+) from Konami
    • Exclusive Old Spice Level 3 Xbox Rewards gamer picture
    • 200 Microsoft Points
    • Old Spice T-Shirt (Estimated Retail Value $10.00)
    • A copy of Fuzion Frenzy 2 game (rated: E10+) (Estimated Retail Value $50.00)

Microsoft promises to be watching out for “foul play,” so those looking to cheat the program with copied game saves might have issues cashing in their prizes. It will be interesting to see how well this incents the Gamerscore program in the future; the best rewards are at Level 3, which is initially tied to Gamerscore, however, if each challenge increases the gamer’s level in the reward program, more people may be hitting the highest level faster than Microsoft expects. If Microsoft later adjusts the level system or the prize levels, this may cause disillusionment with the program.

Read More | Xbox.com

Gallery: Microsoft And Old Spice Reward Gamerscore
